Bridal Gown

3 Types of Diamonds For Engagement Rings

Photo of diamond engagement ring

After the diamond engagement ring was first used in 1477, it has been valued and sought after by lovers throughout the centuries. Now, it's the first choice of engagement ring for buyers. Buying one ...

How To Make Your Bridal Shower Memorable

Photo of happy bridesmaids with the bride during bridal shower

  Being a bride can be very exciting and intimidating at the same time. As the wedding day nears, the bride experiences a plethora of emotions all at the same time. This is where bridal ...

15 Things To Do Before Your Wedding Day

15 Things To Do Before Your Wedding Day

  The wedding day is a memorable day that puts a smile on both the groom and the bride's face. Planning for such a glamourous day could be very stressful. It is advisable you hire a ...

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