How To Embrace Cottagecore Clothing Trends


Cottagecore trends are taking the internet by storm, and retailers are following suit by offering clothing and beauty products that fit this theme. While cottagecore idealizes the rural life of Europeans and doesn’t represent a realistic rural lifestyle, there are principles of this lifestyle that you can easily embrace, such as sustainability. You can also embrace the aesthetics of this lifestyle if you know what you’re going for. Keep reading to learn how to embrace cottagecore clothing trends with your fashion and beauty choices.

Change Your Color Scheme

What’s the color scheme of your current wardrobe? Cottagecore is known for its neutral, natural, and pastel colors, so if your current wardrobe is dark or neon, then you may need to change your color scheme to achieve this trend. To live up to the lifestyle’s love of sustainability, replace your clothes slowly with thrifted or upcycled pieces, and honor your old clothes in the same way. If you know of a charity that accepts gently used clothing, or your clothes are in good enough shape that you think other people would pay for them, either donate or sell them accordingly.

Try Your Hand at Homemade

Thrifting isn’t the only way to add new clothes to your trendy cottagecore lifestyle. Try upcycling pieces in your closet that you don’t wear as much, such as cutting old jeans into cute shorts or dying an old white dress your favorite color. You can also try making new clothes. This will be easier if you already know how to sew, especially since some sewing styles are transferrable.

Photo of a woman fashion designer illustrating Photo: Ron Lach/Pexels

For example, if you already know how to quilt, then you can upgrade your wardrobe with quilting patterns for patchwork skirts and bomber jackets. If you don’t know how to sew, you can start learning by patching old clothes or adding embroidery details to small wardrobe pieces like socks and hats.

Don’t Forget Your Face

You may look a little out of place if your makeup doesn’t match the rest of your cottagecore look. To embrace cottagecore with your beauty look, get your color inspiration from nature. This means gentle rose-pink blush instead of harsh sparkly bronzer and berry-colored lipstick instead of ostentatious red, among other choices. When caring for your skin when your makeup is off, look for products that have natural scents and ingredients. Oatmeal exfoliating scrubs and honey moisturizers are just two examples of natural skin care products that are good for your skin and full of cottagecore vibes.

Now you know how to embrace cottagecore clothing trends by changing your color scheme, trying homemade clothes, and using natural beauty products. While there’s much more to the cottagecore lifestyle than aesthetics, wearing the right things will help you feel the part as you learn more about this trend full of nostalgia and sustainability.


Felicia Priedel
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