3 Conspicuous Men’s Fashion Trends That Repel Women

3. Flat Caps (Papa’s cap)
An old man wearing a flat cap
This cap is popularly known as Papa’s cap, in other words Old men cap.  From the name I want to ask you 2 questions and if your answer is ‘NO’ then you should not wear it.

Are you a farmer? Are you above the age of sixty?
This cap when worn makes you look old and of cousre the beautiful lady in front of you sees you as twenty something or thirty something rather. Moreover, it is always mostly worn by old farmers.

Just get yourself a normal cap and forget about Papa’s cap.


What do you think?

Agree or Disagree? Please let me know your thoughts…good or bad in the comment box. Thanks!

Ubong Richmond
Ubong Richmond

Number #1 fashion obsessed guy!

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