5 Face Primer Tricks I Wish I Knew Earlier


Each time I sit in front of my mirror, carefully applying my makeup, I can’t help but think back on my beauty journey. It’s been a winding road of trial and error, from sporting smudged makeup after hours of effort to finally discovering the real deal of a great makeup look: a well-prepped base, courtesy of a trusty face primer.

As an avid viewer of makeup tutorials on YouTube, I’ve come to realize just how crucial a good face primer is. Even seasoned beauty enthusiasts can get flustered when it comes to choosing the right primer for their skin type or seamlessly incorporating it into their beauty routine. That’s why I’m excited to share with you my top five face primer hacks that have transformed my beauty routine for the better.

Let’s face it — no matter how luxurious your foundation is, without a good primer, your makeup won’t last. That’s why every makeup expert recommends incorporating a primer into your routine. It acts as a second skin, creating the perfect base for your makeup to adhere to while also shielding your skin from the harsh chemicals present in your foundation and other makeup products. With these tips, you’ll be able to revolutionize your makeup game and achieve that coveted airbrushed finish you’ve always dreamed of.

What is Makeup Primer?

A makeup primer serves as the ultimate preparatory step in your makeup routine, as it paves the way for the seamless application of other makeup products such as foundation, concealer, and powder. Typically, it is applied after moisturizer and before any other makeup product.

The primary function of a makeup primer is to create a smooth and consistent base on the skin that enables makeup to adhere better and stay on longer. Primers are often enriched with silicone or other ingredients that can fill in fine lines, pores, and other skin imperfections, resulting in an immaculate base for makeup application.

Some makeup primers also boast added skincare benefits such as hydration, oil control, or sun protection. They are available in different formulations, including gel, cream, and powder, and are offered in a range of shades to complement various skin tones and cater to different skin concerns.

Primer tricks that will bring the best out of your makeup


Use a Primer that suits your skin type

When it comes to primers, it’s crucial to remember that finding the perfect match for your skin type is paramount. If your skin tends to be on the oily side, opt for a primer that’s oil-free or boasts a mattifying effect to keep that shine in check.

If your skin is on the drier side, a hydrating primer can work wonders to quench its thirst and amp up its moisture levels. And if you’re blessed with a combination skin type that’s a little bit of everything, a primer that strikes the right balance between controlling oil and locking in moisture is the ultimate choice.

Choosing the perfect primer that caters to your skin’s unique needs is a game-changer for achieving a flawless and long-lasting makeup look.


Apply Primer after moisturizer

Achieving a flawless and long-lasting makeup look demands some know-how. To keep your makeup on point all day long, ensure that your moisturizer has fully sunk into your skin before layering on your primer. Doing so will establish an even base, ideal for your foundation and other makeup products to adhere to seamlessly.


Use a small-sized amount

Applying an excessive amount of primer can cause it to pill up beneath your foundation, so there’s no need to slather it all over your face. Instead, just a small drop, roughly the size of a raisin, should suffice. Rub it in gently with your fingers to ensure even coverage, and remember that a little goes a long way with primer.

In fact, using too much can have the opposite effect and make your makeup appear thick and cakey, potentially causing it to deteriorate over time. It is best, to begin with, a modest quantity and gradually add more as required.


Use a Primer to control the shine

To manage the excess shine on your skin, employing a mattifying primer could do wonders, particularly if you have an oily complexion. A small quantity of it applied to your T-zone, which includes the forehead, nose, and chin, can help you keep oiliness in check throughout the day.


Mix Primer with Foundation

Simply blend a dollop of primer with your favorite foundation for a seamless, natural-looking finish. This nifty trick allows the foundation to glide effortlessly onto your skin, giving it a smooth and airbrushed appearance.

Benefits of Using Primer

Smoother texture
It works by creating a flawless base for your makeup and smoothing out any imperfections like fine lines, pores, and other blemishes. Your makeup application will be more even and effortless as the primer acts as a perfect foundation for it to hold onto, allowing you to achieve a flawless finish every time.
Extended wear
Primer acts as a shield between your skin and the makeup, stopping oils from breaking down the makeup and keeping it in place for extended periods. This is particularly useful in hot and humid environments or for those with oily skin. With the help of a primer, your makeup can look flawless for hours on end.
Improved makeup performance
Using a primer can enhance the performance of your makeup by boosting its effectiveness. Different types of primers can offer distinct benefits such as neutralizing redness or discoloration on the skin, controlling excess oil and shine, and providing a more seamless and enduring makeup application. Ultimately, using primer can help achieve a flawless and enduring makeup look.
Easy Application
Having a smooth and primed surface is a boon when it comes to applying makeup. It makes the foundation, concealer, and other makeup products glide on effortlessly and blend seamlessly, resulting in a flawless finish. This not only saves time but also cuts down the effort needed during your makeup routine.
There’s a plethora of primer formulations to choose from, each catering to a unique set of skin concerns and makeup goals. Whether you’re looking to hydrate, mattify, illuminate, color-correct, or something else entirely, there’s a primer out there that’s perfectly tailored to your needs. This means you can customize your makeup routine to suit your specific preferences, giving you complete control over the finished look.
Skin Nourishment
Numerous primers incorporate skincare elements like vitamins, antioxidants, and moisturizers, delivering extra advantages to your skin. By nourishing and moisturizing your skin, these ingredients work together to enhance the appearance of your complexion, resulting in healthier, glowing skin.

Milk Makeup Hydro Grip Makeup Primer

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Nympha Nzeribe
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