Festival season is already in full swing with many great festivals still ahead of us. If you’ve already been to many festivals you already have a list of essentials you don’t leave home without. If this is your first experience at a festival, one thing you have to know that festival is not always sunshine and rainbows. Sure, the good experiences far outweigh the bad, but there are some minor inconveniences you can overcome if you pack smart.
The same goes for standing out in the crowd. Festivals are a time when we let loose and let our creativity run wild. Standing out at a festival entails both your clothes, your accessories and other items that make you who you are. In this article, we list all the essentials you need to pack before heading out to have the time of your life.
Camping Gear
If you plan on camping, there are a few things you have to make sure you pack. If you plan on camping, there are a few things you have to make sure you pack. Well, apart from the usual tents, sleeping bags, and other mandatory gear. One thing that can really make a festival experience less painful is a solar shower. This handy contraption consists of a bag you should fill with water during the day. The solar panel on the bag heats the water and by the time you get back to camp a hot shower will be waiting for you. No more waiting in tedious lines to get the dirt off of you!
Fanny Pack
Before you cringe, fanny packs are definitely back and look way better than they did back in the 80’s. They are a great solution since backpacks are usually too big and difficult to carry and are not even usually full.
Temporary Tattoos
One trend we’re seeing more and more at festivals is temporary tattoos. Custom designs, slogans, and metallic tattoos are the absolute craze. Metallic tattoos can be worn instead of jewelry, as the chances of losing them are non-existent. A new line of metallic tattoos developed by the MIT Media Lab and Microsoft Research will even incorporate wearable tech. Imagine rocking that at a festival. You can learn more about it here: https://www.tattoofun.com/blog/metallic-temporary-tattoos-tech-wearables/
No matter how tan your skin is, everybody has to worry about sunburns. Spending all day in the sun can be very dangerous, which is why you should always wear sunscreen. It will make sure you don’t end up with bad burns and a terrible case of itchy skin.
Portable Smartphone Charger
When you’re at a festival snapping pics is almost an involuntary reaction. But taking selfies and recording your favorite artists perform all day is sure to leave your battery drained. To make sure you are not left without your phone when you need it the most, make sure you pack a portable charger. Sure, most festivals offer charging stations, but the lines are often too long. A portable charger can save your life, especially if you and your gang get separated.