This Is Why You Should Be Washing Your New Clothes Before Wearing Them


Remember that time you ordered some clothes and couldn’t wait to put them on? And upon arrival, you slipped into them and there you go. Well, we all are guilty in this, let’s admit it. Wearing new clothes without first washing them is dangerous — that is why we find a recent article on the topic published on Elle very intriguing.

According to the media outfit, who spoke with a clothing manufacturing expert, Lana Hogue on the debatable topic, before you throw a new cloth on your body, it should be washed — because the chemicals used in dyeing fabric can have side effects, like contact dermatitis and any other skin infection. “You should absolutely wash clothes before you wear them, especially anything that is right next to the skin or that you will sweat on,” says Hogue.

She also added — “Most of the chemicals used in dyeing fabric and putting those finishes on yarns that allow them to be processed through spinning equipment are known skin irritants.”

Now this confirms why we should always have a little patience to wash our new clothes before putting them on and if want to read the complete article, feel free to scoot over to Elle.





Ubong Richmond
Ubong Richmond

Number #1 fashion obsessed guy!

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