Ankara fabric a.k.a African wax prints, Holland wax, Dutch wax and African Prints or whatever you may call it have come a long way and it is no longer a trend, rather, it’s African number one fabric that was sent down from the sky through the Dutch traders who believed African markets were more profitable than the Indonesian market.
Ankara fabric is undoubtedly a great influencer on African fashion and apart from the dresses that you see everywhere that are been done by the fabric, the oh-so colorful material with its uniquely attributes and versatility have managed to capture the attention of fashion designers including, milliners, cobblers, jewellers, and so on, that it is also gorgeous and worthy for other items, such as shoes, hats, bags, necklaces, earrings, bracelet, belts, etc.
And today, whether you’re going for a shopping spree or lounging, Ankara prints can serve as a complete outfit — what more could you want from a single fabric? It is now safe to say that the fabric is everywhere and will continue to be — which is the reason it will never…I mean NEVER go out of style. So let’s celebrate, people!
For a proof, see a few pics below and also share your love for Ankara prints with us in the comments:
Photo: Afrua Rida
Necklace version
Sandals Version
High heels version
Photo: Instagram
Photo: Google Images
Ankara bag
Photo: Google Images
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