No workout freak has ever been slowed down by seasons, deadlines, lack of workout gear, and whatnot, and chances are – nor has your friend. After all, working out has long gone from being just a method to a lean figure and has become a personality feature, a life preference if you will. And we all know that investing in things we love comes back in multiplied benefits, right? Right. This may be just one of the reasons your buddy loves their workout time (and we love that you get it!).
A very important part of gym commitment are appropriate (and stylish!) workout clothes and gear that add to motivation and personal fulfillment; we know it, you know it, your friend knows it – so we may as well work towards getting them something awesome!
So, we have assembled a stylish gift guide that will help you choose just the right gift for your gym and wellness committed mate. Keep reading by clicking through the gallery:
Fashionable leggings
Yaaas! Everyone who’s into working out regularly is most probably into looking good doing it! Treat your fitness friend to a pair of fashionable leggings they’ll love to wear even outside of the gym. Athleisure wear is still very popular, so combining their stylish leggings with a chic piece over will look spectacular on them, don’t you think?
Bulletproof coffee
Wait, what? No, it’s not a coffee that freezes bullets, far from. It’s an extra-strong, branded coffee drink that consists of “upgraded” black coffee “blended with grass-fed butter and “Brain Octane oil”, an 8-carbon fraction of medium-chain triglyceride oil.” The drink is believed to boost cognitive performance and weight loss, which is why it’s been one of the favorite drinks consumed by sportspeople as well as Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.
Gym bag
Very practical and yet potentially super stylish, a gym bag is a great choice for a sportsperson. These days you can find all kinds of designs, so if you’ve heard your friend talk about something, in particular, try to find it and buy it!
Wearable tech
For fitness fanatics or friends who keep in shape (not sure which one your friend is), buying them a wearable piece of fitness technology is absolutely phenomenal! From Fitbit Charge, Misfit Ray, Calorie Tracker and Jawbone UP3 over to Moov Now and TomTom Touch, you have plenty of options to choose from and get just the right piece fitted for your friend’s workout regimen. Hey, just make sure you don’t get them something similar to what they already have!
Yoga retreat and lessons
Yoga’s been getting trending for a while now and we don’t see it decreasing in popularity any time soon. Buying your friend a month (or more) of yoga lessons is a very thoughtful gift, especially if they’re ones to nurture not only their muscular but their spiritual side, too. Another option is paying them a voucher for a yoga retreat (these usually last for about a week or longer, depending on the organization) which is an absolutely phenomenal experience. Your friend is going to love every second of it!
Bodybuilding clothes
Not everyone can pull this off, but if your buddy is one to lift and lift hard, he (or she!) will appreciate you wanting them to be comfy and look awesome doing it. The right bodybuilding clothes must be designed and sewn well, and simply have to agree with one’s physique. Ask around about your friend’s favorite bodybuilding brand, and purchase an item with them. He’ll love it!
Well, hello there! If this isn’t one of the best gifts a wellness and fitness person can get, we don’t know what is! In case you didn’t know, Juicero is one of those amazing at-home juice presses that allow for making organic, cold-pressed juice at home every day, at the push of a button. A-w-e-s-o-m-e!
Well, we hope we’ve helped! Make sure you choose wisely and put a huge smile on their faces!