How To Make Your Outfits Look Expensive This Holiday Season


With the images we share here on Fashion Police Nigeria, sometimes you might think we assume you can spend your entire one month income on bags or buy a new shoe with 20k price tag every month, but the reality is, we don’t. Let’s face it: The average African woman cannot spend a cool $500 (N100,000) on a Celine bag (that’s if you ever see it), no matter how much the fashion magazines echo about their latest covets.

There’s no reason to blow your entire paycheck on high-end items just because you lust over what most celebrity clad in. It’s actually incredibly easy to get that elevated vibe without draining your savings account if you can think or shop smartly. What the think means is, how you can actually make the ones you have already look polished, elevated and put together.

However, even though wearing an expensive-looking outfit is always on your sartorial wishlist, its your budget that dictates how much you can spend on clothes each season. To give you a sense of how to look upscale this season (and possibly carryover), we rounded up 13 easy ways regardless of how much your earn. Just flip through the gallery to explore:



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1 Comment
  1. Fantastic article!
    Love it. 🙂


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