The truth must be told, Linda Ikeji loves fashion even more than Anna Wintour, but they’re certain things, I mean literally, you will never ever see her wearing, no matter how trendy or how much the fashion industry tries to convince her. She’s known to have penchant for all things designer — an aficionado of bootcut pants, covetable tops, upscale handbags and shoes, and on occasion would throw in pencil skirts, but we find that Linda Ikeji unapologetically ignores some other article of clothing, which naturally, is beyond our comprehension. Ahead you’ll find 5 things we want Linda Ikeji to also experiment — because being a fashion girl means you can literally wear anything fashionable.
Photo: Pinterest
#1. African prints
While most of us cannot live without ankara fashion, it’s hard to find it on Linda’s rotation.