Cleaning Your Wardrobe In Preparation For Spring


Having a lot of clothes is a goal for many.  But unfortunately, unlike super-rich people, most of us can’t afford a big walk-in closet with shelves, cabinets, and nooks. Instead, we have to be meticulously organized and clean the wardrobe once in a while. Spring is the perfect season to make your wardrobe shine – all those coats, scarves and cardigans that load up your space should be gone in favor of new clothes. Shopping is always a good idea, except when you struggle to arrange the clothes in your closet. So, before you decide to splurge on some new pieces, we recommend you clear out your wardrobe first, to avoid cluttering and have more space. Here are some ideas on how to do it efficiently.

Photo by Amanda Vick on Unsplash


Ask a friend for help

Remember when you were younger, and one of the favorite activities was dressing up with your friends? You can do it again, except this time, ask your friend(s) to help with the cleaning of the wardrobe. Put some cheerful music on, and let the game begin!

Don’t be too sentimental

Photo by Amanda Vick on Unsplash


We all have clothes that we love too much but never get around to wear them. Just ask yourself: “When was the last time I wore this?” and “When do I plan to wear it next?” If you struggle to find an answer, that means that you actually don’t need that sweater. Saying goodbye to something you’ve probably overpaid can be a heartbreaking experience, but if you haven’t found the time to wear it more than once or twice, then it looks like you won’t really wear it anytime soon. Cast your emotions aside and make more space for those new amazing clothes!

Shop carefully

Yes, when it comes to shopping, words “shop” and “carefully” shouldn’t go hand in hand, but hear me out. Before you start maxing out your card, make sure that it’s something you really, really want.

If you’re looking to buy women’s dresses for the spring/summer season, be absolutely certain that they’re suitable for your body type, skin tone, and your overall style. Just because something looks good on Kim Kardashian, it doesn’t mean it will look good on you. If you can’t afford to try it on, make sure that the place you’re shopping from has a return and exchange policy. And of course, buy something because you like it, not because it’s a bargain. That way, you can avoid overstuffing your closet.

Be practical

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Storing things away can be a hassle, especially if you don’t know how to do it. If you have an attic, then it’s not an issue, but what if you don’t? Then you can use a garage, or store things under the bed. Vacuum bags are also a life-saver since you can put a lot of stuff and seal it with a vacuum cleaner. Plastic container boxes are also recommended since they are usually see-through so you are able to see what you’ve stored in there.

Donate, or just gift it to your loved ones

There’s no better feeling than giving to those in need. Whether it’s a local homeless shelter or your college-aged niece, just the fact that you’ve made someone’s day by helping them is worth enough.

So dive into that closet and choose which of the pieces you would love to give to people who need it more than you!

Be creative and bold

Photo by Wenyang on Unsplash


Spring is the perfect time to freshen up your wardrobe and get informed about the upcoming trends for the current year. If you plan to purchase all the cute summer clothes, this is the moment. Try thinking outside the box – mix colors and pattern prints, and don’t be afraid to stray from your usual style. Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of courage to feel like a new person!

No matter what some might say, clothes and our relationship to it define us in many ways. The way we buy it, store it, how we wear it – it’s all connected. Spring is always a season of new beginnings, so cleaning out your closet is how you can fully step into the new year looking great!


Opening image: Shutterstock!


Ubong Richmond
Ubong Richmond

Number #1 fashion obsessed guy!

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