Fat Girls Rock: Be Inspired With These #Fatkini Post on Instagram


I got into an argument with a friend about how a plus-size woman would look wearing bikini. He said he wouldn’t try to take a plus-size to swim with at the beach because they’re not just looking good in the 2-piece. Without any good reason, I assumed my friend does not just like fat people.

No matter what size you are, wearing a bikini can make any girl feel a little bit self-conscious, especially when you compare yourself to the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. However, being plus-size and putting on two-piece takes, even more, courage. That being said, most plus-sized does not feel the comfort putting on bikini compared to those TV girls.  To inspire this category of people, we went as far to bring you the most inspiring plus-sized women on Instagram rocking bikinis at the beach. I think, they all look awesome and we commend them for having the guts and not letting their size take away the fun of wearing a bikini.  Thanks to the hashtag #fatkini.

Click next to check out the inspiring fat girls we found on Instagram courtesy of Styleblazer and the hashtag #fatkini. Don’t forget to share with us your thought in the comment box thanks.

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