The fashion industry might not be doing so much to celebrate women of all sizes, especially on runways and ad campaigns; but a UK plus-size brand, SimplyBe wants women to embrace any kind of body they have.
The brand via Instagram and Twitter asked full-figured women with the hashtag #SimplyBekini to post bikini photos of themselves, and the result was amazing.
According to Instagram post, SimpleBe is selecting one “bekini” body per month to win 100 British pounds’ ($152 equivalent) worth of clothing, But the real winner is any woman who sees one of these photos in her feed and gets the confidence to rock her own two-piece suit this season: [via Cosmopolitan]
It only took four Amazon orders before I successfully found the perfect suit! For less than $20, I’d say it’s a win! #isitsummeryet #simplybekini #themthighstho #curvesfordays #polkadots #hennatattoo #curlygirl #dimples #highwaisted #bigapplered
Bikini from Primark! Size 16 bottoms and size 38D in bra as Primark sizing is awful! ————————————————— I got brought this bikini yester
IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR. Brace yourself and be ready for the flood of bikini body propaganda on the way. Brace yourself for the photoshopped ideal bodies, the crash diets, the before and after pictures. It’ll say that you can’t wear those at your size! It’ll say that you can finally be confident this summer once you’ve blitzed that belly fat! It will prey on insecurities that lead to self hatred, no self worth, poor food relationships, disordered eating. It will tell you that you cannot feel good, cannot be happy, cannot enjoy your summer unless you spend all your energy, time and money on fitting the ‘perfect body’ archetype. And as we tear ourselves into our imperfect pieces diet industry professionals go home with their millions.
Well guess what? You don’t have to buy into it. This is the first summer that I refuse to hate my body. I refuse to pin my self worth on my outer appearence and spend months torturously dieting and working out to fit a made up standard. I choose to live, to be happy, to be bikini bodied, just as I am. Who’s with me?
Summer is on it’s way and with that comes a lot of body shaming. ‘Get your body ready for summer’ ‘how to get a summer body’ bla bla bla.
Just remind yourself there is no right or wrong way to have a body and this spiel fed to you is just to make you feel bad and for the diet industry to cash in on you. I know it’s not easy to gain the momentum to put on a swimsuit and feel comfortable, when I first did it 3 years ago I was prettified but trust me, it’s fine. Life goes on, people on holiday are thinking of themselves and what fun they are having and so should you!! So here’s me in my. #simplybekini I hope you feel comfortable to share yours this summer. I’ll be right here cheering you on. #wearethey @SimplyBeUK Woah! @CallieThorpe is looking hot in her #SimplyBekini snap! Tweet us your bikini pics using #SimplyBekini 🙂 Becky Bedbug @BeckyBedbug @SimplyBeUK @CallieThorpe Here’s mine! #SimplyBekini
Danielle Trainis @DanielleToriT #SimplyBekini I’m plus size but I won’t let anyone tell me what I can or can’t wear!! BE PROUD LADIES! @SimplyBeUK