Tips For Wearing A Strapless Bra If You’re A Big Breasted Woman

Wearing a bra can sometimes be annoying for every woman — you get to struggle to sleep on your stomach and you have to learn how to deal with sweats. No wonder why some celebrities take pleasure in going braless. However, as a woman with big boobs, the struggle is more serious — for instance, packing them into a bra alone, especially a strapless bra is a very big job. But rejoice because we have some good news. 


Ashley Graham, a notable size 16 model and a body-confidence influencer who is also big-breasted is schooling us with a life-changing hack for wearing a strapless bra if you’ve got a big breast. As she pointed out, the best way to secure the babies in a strapless bra is to go down a size in the back, for a tighter fit

And with the tips garnering more than 200k Instagram likes, we like to think the hack really makes sense.


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