The Best Way To Know A Fake Designer Bag

You like how Instagram It-girls and celebrities flaunt their designer bags on a daily basis, you prefer to replicate, and you would rather save up to acquire one so as to feel among the upscale group. Sound like you? There is no offense for satisfying your impulse but before you expend your hard-earned money, the need to paying close attention to knockoff version of the bags you’re hunting for can’t be overemphasized. For that reason, there few things to look out for when shopping, as suggested by a U.S. bag authentication expert and quality control manager Jacquelyne Cortel

As clearly stated by the expert, “designers spend a lot of time perfecting the typography of their labels and logos. These should always be crisp and defined. Metallic stamped logos should never scratch off with your nail. They are stamped to last. You’ll rarely see blurry, flaky, or bubbly stamping. Engraved logos will always be clean and fully defined. Keep an eye out for engravings that are not fully defined, sloppy, and with letters that overlap or run too close together.”

She also emphasized on the measurement pointing that, “designers often release updated versions of popular styles with small variations or improvements. But for the most part, the measurements will remain the same from one bag of the same style and size to another. Keep in mind retailers may measure dimensions differently from others so there may be a variance of .5 inches. Look out for if the measurements differ more than 1.5 inches, or the proportions look very off.”

And more so, while the bag can easily be distractive for its aesthetics, Cortel made known that the add-ons on the bag should also maintain the same quality. “What comes with the bag is just as important as the bag itself. Dustbags, boxes, straps, care cards, locks, and keys complement your bag and maintain the same quality standards. Look out for any accessories that are super lightweight or falling apart. Care cards should have a proper grammar (so make sure to read them through—no SparkNotes for this one!), printing should be crisp and centered, and hardware should be weighty with engravings that are well defined,” she said. 

With all this in mind, we bet you’ll get the best value for your money.

Photo: Instagram

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