5 Fashion Problems Only New Moms Understand


2. Lack of time for makeup

Okay, ditching your makeup routine may be difficult for a beauty addict who spends hours to apply cosmetics but the arrival of your baby means a lot and you have to invest time and energy on him or her which is your utmost priority. “But I can still apply my usual makeup when the baby is asleep,” you ask. Unfortunately, there is a pile of work new moms must do — when you’re not struggling with breastfeeding, or doing laundry or keeping your room in a good shape, you also need some sleep — because having enough sleep in the night is not guaranteed when you have a baby.

But unless you have a full-time nanny who does the had work for you, having your normal makeup indulgence is nearly impossible.

Ubong Richmond
Ubong Richmond

Number #1 fashion obsessed guy!

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