5 Fashion Things You Don’t Need To Worry About




Have you ever spent your entire morning deciding what to wear to an important meeting, only to end up running late because of the wasted time in your closet? Well, in this aspect I can only say that being a fashion girl is stressful but fun. That takes us to fashion things I, we don’t have to worry about – because we simply do not want to miss important meetings due to caring too much about our looks.

One thing I came to realize about living in a traffic saturated city of Lagos is that, almost everybody do things on the go – and this has taught me a lot of what I couldn’t learned in school. In Lagos, men dress in the car while driving, women do makeup and children take their breakfast still in the car. For me I think is a wonderful experience because I could adjust my style routine. But sometimes these things makes me feel uncomfortable because it made me think I’m the only person out there who doesn’t wear makeup everyday to work or take the time to co-ordinate my manicure with my outfit every day. As a fashion girl, its totally not the kind of life I like to live but I just try to master it. That being said, there are certain fashion things we don’t totally need to worry about, and I’m excited to share you my list:


#1. Hairstyle

One thing I know for sure that keep women in a disturbing mode is their hairstyle. Now that natural hairstyle is enjoying a major moment, I don’t allow my hair decision making to get in my way. I embrace my natural hair as my major accessory because I can twist it in different styles the way I like and in no time.


#2. I Don’t Follow Trends:

Following trends is not actually a bad approach, but creating my personal style gives me more confidence. That means I don’t worry about trends.


#3. I don’t Have To Do Makeup Everyday:

Yes, makeup enhances beauty, but you have to learn how to live life without makeup because you didn’t come to this world wearing makeup. And considering the traffic situation in Lagos, I choose not to do it everyday – because if I have to wear it, I take my time.


#4. You Don’t Have To Shop For What You Want, But What You Need.

In the real sense buying every striking items you see on the advertorial is not really the best. Invest in timeless wardrobe staples, and you’ll never be at a loss for what to wear whenever the occasion calls for something special. For instance, these three shoes that always answer my calls day and night can never escape from my wardrobe.


#5. You Don’t Have To Worry About What People Say About Your Style:

A lot of women waste their gracious time worrying about what people think or say about their style. You created your own style and you’re having fun. So why are you perturbed?


What do you think? Have anything we should not worry about to add to the list? Use the comment box!


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