When Pirate-Inspired Clothing Takes Over


In today’s world, people certainly aren’t short on fashion ideas and various themes they can incorporate into a look. While it isn’t a common style to see, pirate-inspired clothing has played its part over the years, particularly as people begin to expand their horizons and seek alternative fashionable looks that can be spruced up for the modern environment.

Of course, when we think of pirates, we tend to think of entertainment: movies like Pirates of the Caribbean, books like Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island, and slots with a strong pirate theme, such as Kingdoms Rise: Captain’s Treasure. The pirate look stretches far beyond these commonly explored entertainment options, though, particularly in the world of fashion. In fact, pirate-inspired clothing has been a part of the fashion sphere for a good while now.

Although this particular style is also associated with fancy dress themes and parties for youngsters, it can also be donned in today’s world if you’re keen to put on a show and stand out. We aren’t talking about wearing an eye patch here, more stylish ranges of clothing that have clearly been inspired by pirates, be it the real-life pirates that can be found today or the classic pirates we’ve seen in cartoons and movies over the years.

Malcolm McLaren, yet another talented fashion designer, and Westwood’s inspiration is said to have come from movies like The Island, 18th-century dandies, and indigenous Americans. This resulted in quite an extraordinary feast of fashion that contained a number of famous pirate looks, from hats and leather trousers to boots and various pieces of jewelry.

Having two esteemed fashion designers championing the pirate look certainly elevated its appeal back then, although it can also be felt today in many of the fashionable items we snap up on a daily basis.

Examples of pirate-inspired clothing today

Beyond the fashion shows and themed parties is a range of clothes that people wear a lot today that have taken elements from pirate fashion. For example, ataman trousers with their puffy look have been long associated with pirates but are won by millions today, including many celebrities. Light, airy, and incredibly comfortable to wear, these go-to fashion items have been spruced up for modern audiences but they can be traced back to pirates.

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Additionally, thick cotton shirts are won by stylish men on Earth, particularly while frequenting high-end restaurants in the winter months. This style was also prominent with pirates and is seen in many pirate costume ideas these days. These examples, plus a range of others, like leather boots, for instance, highlight just how far pirate-inspired fashion has come.

Since Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren catapulted it further into the mainstream over 40 years ago, pirate-inspired clothing has evidently taken off. It’s a look that certainly doesn’t suit everyone, but if done properly and with serious care and attention going into an outfit, then various pieces of clothing with pirate-inspired features can work a charm and turn heads.

So, instead of saving your pirate-themed clothing ideas for your next big bash, why not try adding a sprinkling of it to your next outfit?


Emma Willson
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