Linda Ikeji Is Carrying FAKE Hermes Birkin Bag, According To Hermes Itself


It’s no news Linda Ikeji have a penchant for designer bags. She usually displays them (from Celine, D&G, Prada, Gucci, and the rest) each time she steps out for her happy hour, mostly on the weekends. But things went really sour for the blogger yesterday as a fan stormed her Instagram account with the insane accusation that she’s into COUNTERFEIT bags.



Well, to protect her image from the fashion crowd, Linda Ikeji responded to the authenticity of the bag and claiming she bought the so-expensive Hermes Bag in the UK with the price tag of $14,000 (N4.8 million equivalent).

“Don’t worry my darlings, I’ll take all these down later but let’s clarify this. So, I bought the bag for 14 thousand dollars on Sloan Street, UK. In Naira, that would be how much again? That would be about N4.8m. Damn, Linda!”


Okay, no panic, we’re taking note …but things really got messier and obvious when Hermes itself stepped into the internet chaos, pointing out that Linda’s Hermes bags are really counterfeit ….I mean fake! Oh Linda, why?




UPDATED: Meanwhile, after few hours of the bag saga, Linda via her IG apologized to her fans for the incident:

“Let me apologize to the true Linda Ikeji fans who may have been offended by my rant the other day! I reacted because I thought it was really a confirmation from Hermes. But I later found out that Hermes would never confirm the authenticity of a bag over IG dm. If they’re wrong, the owner of the bag could sue so usually they ask you to bring the bag into one of their stores and if they find it to be a counterfeit, they could seize it. So that dm was a fluke.

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