Ralph Lauren Never Stops To Blow Our Minds…Guess what?

ralph lauren2Ralph n wifeyralph lauren3Today, Ralph Lauren finished his New York Fashion Week show with a sweet kiss from his wife of 49 years, Ricky, who was sitting in the front row.

Ricky appreciated him with a kiss after showing safari-themed collection with cargo pants, travel bags and lots of khaki

Are you a woman who savors a luxurious candlelit dinner while on safari – or maybe just wants to channel a safari while at a dinner party closer to home? Then, Ralph Lauren speaks your mind.

His spring 2015 collection was mainly on khakis, safari jackets and cargo pants, and played with the notion of safari as it moved into evening wear, too.

The 74 year old Fashion Icon, described the collection as ‘about an exotic kind of luxury, the spirit of a romantic safari emboldened by luminous colors played against the heritage of pure khakis in sleek and modern shapes.

What a great designer indeed!

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