These Are The Most Googled Beauty Questions Of 2018


It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and it’s also the time to lounge on the sofa to reflect on the past months — just like Google which has gone way back to pull out from their data the top beauty questions people really want to know throughout the year. In general, the search engine giant is always the right spot to seek for help when it comes to those hard-to-answer questions (because after all, there’s no question the Google search can’t answer), so if you may ask, lots of beauty questions have been asked in 2018.

Based on the top 5 questions asked, it seems like a lot of women are still finding it difficult to get the best concealer that perfectly works for them, and it seems like cakey makeup trend is still a thing. Also, the report revealed that a lot of women are so much interested in cat-eye makeup, lash lift, and of course, magnetic lashes.

Here, the most googled beauty questions in 2018: “how to apply magnetic lashes”, “how to fix cakey makeup”, “how to do a cat eye,” “what concealer to use,” and “what is a lash lift?”

And just in case you need some tutorials for some of the questions, keep scrolling down:


How to apply magnetic lashes?:



How to do a cat eye?


Opening image: Instagram!

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