A Comprehensive Overview of Face and Neck Lifts


A face and neck lift is a surgical procedure that improves the visible signs of aging in the face and neck. It can be done alone or in combination with other procedures, such as a brow lift, eyelid surgery, or nose surgery. The goal of a face and neck lift is to improve the most visible signs of aging by tightening loose skin, removing excess fat, and improving muscle tone in the face and neck. This can help to restore a more youthful appearance.

Benefits of a face and neck lift

An aging face can lose its shape due to a variety of factors. These include gravity, sun damage, stress, smoking, poor nutrition, and genetics. A face and neck lift can help to improve the following:

  • Sagging in the mid-face
  • Deep creases below the lower eyelids
  • Deep creases along the nose extending from the corner of the mouth
  • Fat that has collected below the chin and jawline
  • Loose skin and excess fatty tissue in the upper and lower cheeks

A face and neck lift will not change your basic appearance or make you look like someone else. It can only make you look younger and more rested by addressing specific concerns that have developed over time.

The Procedure

This surgery can be combined with other procedures to achieve optimal results. Face and neck lifts are usually performed under general anesthesia. Incisions are made inside the hairline above the ears extending around behind them. In some cases, a small incision may also be made under the chin. The following are also what you need to know:

  • Through these incisions, your surgeon will tighten underlying muscles and remove excess fat before redraping your skin over them more tightly.
  • In some cases, excess skin may need to be removed as well. The incisions will then be closed with sutures.
  • Drains may also be placed under your skin to remove any excess fluid during healing. You will likely experience some swelling, bruising, numbness, and tingling after your surgery which should subside within 2 weeks.
  • Your surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to care for yourself during this time including when you can shower or bathe, how to sleep, what medications to take for pain control and infection prevention, when to return to work or other activities, and when to follow up with your surgeon.

It is important however that you follow all of these instructions carefully so that you can heal properly and minimize any risks associated with your surgery. The final results of your surgery will not be immediately apparent as it takes time for all of the swellings to resolve and for your incisions to heal. However, you should see a significant improvement in your appearance over several weeks as healing progresses. These results will continue to improve over time as collagen production increases resulting in even further tightening of your skin.

Face and neck lifts can provide significant improvements in your appearance that can last for many years; however, they cannot stop future aging from occurring entirely. additional procedures may eventually be necessary as new wrinkles appear or existing ones deepen due to the continued aging process facelifts may also be combined with other cosmetic procedures such as brow lifts, eyelid surgery, or nose surgery.

Considering a face and neck lift

A face or neck lift can help turn back the clock by significantly improving visible signs of aging in the face such as sagging skin, deep creases, drooping eyebrows, and excess fatty tissue. This procedure can provide long-lasting results when performed by an experienced plastic surgeon. If you are considering a face or neck lift, be sure to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who has extensive experience performing this type of surgery.


Megan Barnes
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