5 Easy Ways to Be Healthier and Prettier


An apple a day keeps the doctor away – is the oldest of sayings many of us swear by, but does that mean that we should only rely on healthy food to keep us strong and healthy? Absolutely not. While healthy nutrition is imperative if we want to feel well and stay vigorous, we’ll need to work on various other aspects that will keep the doctor away. Namely, more physical activity, regular check-ups at the doctor’s, and enough good night’s sleep are just some of the essentials for living a healthy life.

Exercises every day

In order to keep your body moving and maintain its strength, you’ll need to have at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. For example, start by doing morning stretches and jogging outside. In the afternoon you can hit the gym and make sure you sweat out all the calories you’ve consumed during the day, while you can arrange a swimming session in the evening. Cycling to work, and walking up the stairs instead of using the elevator, are both good ways to incorporate additional physical activity into your everyday routine.

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Don’t skimp on vitamins

Packing on vitamins is another important habit you should develop in order to be healthier. Mixing lean proteins with leafy greens, whole grains and plenty of fruit is essential for fuelling your body with all the necessary nutrients. To guarantee your body enough phytonutrients, micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, make sure you have plenty of fruits and veggies every day. Protein-rich foods such as meat, seafood, nuts, eggs, and yogurt can keep blood sugar levels stable while making your immune system strong. Balance your portions by having half of your plate filled with fruits and veggies and another half with proteins and carbs. 

Have regular check-ups

Don’t wait for the symptoms to show up, but check your health regularly. With regular examinations, your doctor will be able to prevent a series of health issues if they notice any imbalance. Be sure to see your dentist at least once a month and keep your oral health in check. In case you have a fear of the dentist and you haven’t visited one in a while, it would be best if you looked up some of the local dentist websites and were informed on each procedure you might need. If you’re from Sydney or surrounding neighborhoods, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding a dentist in Bondi Junction and other suburbs who’ll be gentle with you and make sure you feel at ease no matter which procedure you may need.

Quit all the vices

Have you developed a nasty habit of smoking? Do you enjoy a bag of chips or other salty snacks every night with your favorite show? If so, your body must be screaming with pain. Tobacco is killing both your lungs and your teeth. Not to mention leaving the smelly scent all over your clothes and house. Too much greasy and savory snacking will add extra pounds to your body so swap that for healthy alternatives. Make a fruit salad or veggie bowl with a mixture of seasonal veggies. Quit smoking and let others around you breathe easily while making sure your lungs don’t end up with some serious health problems.

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Get enough Zs

Sleep is essential for keeping our minds sharp and bodies energized for daily challenges. That’s why you should try to have at least 6 hours of sleep every night. No matter how much work you have during the day, learn to organize your time better and go to sleep and get up at the same time every day in order to create a healthy sleeping schedule. Your brain needs to recharge and reset during the night if you plan to be productive and ready to do all the errands the next day.

Final thoughts

Staying healthy will require plenty of effort and dedication, but it’s all going to be worthwhile. Nothing is more important than your health, so be sure to pay a lot of attention to your well-being. Eat well, break bad habits, stay active, make regular health check-ups, and have enough sleep, in order to keep the doctor away.


Brigitte Evans
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