Going Natural? Simple Tips On How To Grow Your Natural Hair


Nowadays, it’s like a lot of women are transitioning from relaxed hair to natural hair — because wherever I turn to, whether Pinterest or Instagram, different images of women going natural keeps on dripping in my feed. Of course, I am always inspired to see a full grown lustrous hair without any sign of relaxer but I feel dismayed to go natural myself whenever I remember the myth that you have to cut all your hair off if you want to go natural — which is absolutely a misconception.

Apparently, going natural is no easy feat — ask any gal who’s into it, but after all said and done, you’d be thankful that you did. There are a lot of factors that contribute to hair growth, which can be genetics, miracle hair products, hair texture and pattern, food and vitamins, etc. But one of the most overlooked is adhering to the basic principles. We enlisted one of our favorite beauty blogger and natural hair enthusiast, SimplYounique to school us on how to grow out our strands as well as length retention. Watch the 8mins video below and tell us how helpful it is in the comments:


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