Genevieve Nnaji Still Look Beautiful With No Drop Of Makeup


In as much as we all love wearing makeup, we love it when celebs surprise us with their bare face. At least if not for anything, it’s a reminder that none of us were born with concealers, foundation or makeup brushes and sponges. While there are many celebs who swear by one rule: no makeup, no me; Genevieve Nnaji is baring it all in her latest Insta post — but that’s not to say she is throwing all her eyeshadows to the curb. 



Here in the picture, the actress can be seen wearing a white bathrobe and headscarf, looking fresh-faced with no drop of makeup. Though this isn’t the first time Genny is baring it all but the look is refreshing, boosting that confidence that makeup shouldn’t define your beauty. 


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