She’s fashion’s most powerful woman and was very possibly the inspiration behind Lauren Weisberger’s The Devil Wears Prada. She is as famed for her sunglasses and razor-sharp bob as she is for her tenure at the helm of US Vogue – but how much do you really know about Anna Wintour? In honor of her birthday on 3 November, we bring to you a list of the 11 dresses that make her a fashion icon (it was hard to narrow it down – trust) and accompanied ’em with facts bound to impress even the savviest of fash-fans. Thanks to ASOS for compiling the list.
Anna’s dad, Charles Wintour, was a legendary editor of the Evening Standard, and her stepmother Audrey Slaughter launched magazines including Honey and Petticoat. Oh, and her lil’ bro Patrick is a political reporter at The Guardian. Our guess is that the convos at the Wintour dinner table growing up were a little more intellectual than ‘Pass the potatoes, plz’.
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